For years my days used to consist of making hundreds of eclairs, cream puffs, Paris-Brests and all of the choux pastry goodies you can possibly imagine (there were, of course, cakes, tarts, and all that jazz too but that’s a whole different story).
For some mysterious reason, many of my head-chefs would glance at me on my first day of work and immediately decide that choux pastry and I were a match made in heaven. That wasn’t entirely true, as at times my eclairs sunked, puffs didn’t puff and profiteroles cracked.
I am, however, a big believer in learning from my own mistakes, so over years I collected enough tips and tricks to write a book on choux pastry troubleshooting. To begin somewhere, I’m putting some of my tips in this recipe!
P.S. To fill these babies, I used Thomas’s Keller lemon curd recipe (although I reduced the amount of butter to 1 stick and skipped the gelatin). You can also use the more traditional vanilla creme legere and chocolate glaze recipe from this post!
For approximately 20 eclairs: 1-2 tbsp confectioners sugar, for dustingIngredients